This page is reserved for creating a list of specific communities. The communities listed on this page are each linked to a proposed set of objectives on a separate page.
First a list of some past structures of community (aka government) to help flesh out objectives.
1.Egalitarianism/Loss of individuality
2.Meritocracy/reward-based-system lacks diversity and empathy
3.Capitalism/money as reward/lacks diversity and empathy
4.Democracy/minority vulnerable to abuse by majority
5.Religious based government/fosters unjust restrictions and abuse toward non-religious/alternate religion
6.Communism/loss of individuality and fosters unjust restrictions
7.Monarchy/unjust distribution of rewards and unjust restrictions
8.Plutocracy/unjust distribution of rewards and unjust restrictions
9.Autocracy/unjust distribution of rewards and unjust restrictions
10. Libertarianism/vulnerable to abuse by the corrupt
My reason to create this list (not complete) of governing systems is to try and look past the system and just focus on the objective instead. Systems tend to collect ardent fans much like sports teams, whereas common ground can often be found by looking at objectives.