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From WikiDemocracy
Revision as of 09:37, 10 December 2017 by Kirk (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the WikiDemocracy Project.

Toward a Rational Democratic Process

This is the seed of what I hope will become a forum which assists larger communities with their decision making processes. The tools provided on this website are tools to help with a rational decision making process.

As a rational process it requires foundational assumptions.

The foundational assumptions which apply to this Wiki are:

1. The rules which are are adopted by a specific group of people should apply equally to all members of the group.

2. Members of a group will hold onto to whatever beliefs appeal to them as individuals.

3. Members of a group will seek happiness and fulfillment for themselves and those who are close to them.

Next, in light of these foundational assumptions I would suggest some basic rules.

1. Members of a group should set aside any individual motivation which conflicts with a rational decision making process, while participating in that group's decision making process. Some of these motivations might include: self-interest, belief in divine intervention, the end justifies the means, communal or personal retribution, communal or personal glorification to name a few irrational motivations.

Our six guiding principals are as follows: Rationality, Democracy, Egalitarianism, Transparency, Fairness, and Community.

This website is a Model Website. If you belong to an organization that would like to sponsor a local version of this website please contact: We are currently offering to do this at no charge. Though it will need some kind of local organization to administer it and customize it to your region.

Or if you as an individual would like to help us with this project contact:




