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From WikiDemocracy
Revision as of 09:21, 18 October 2019 by Kirk (talk | contribs)
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WikiDemocracy is all about searching for a Rational Democractic Process if such a thing exists.

What you see now is just the framework of what I hope will become a Wikipedia for democratic interactions. We are looking for people with the drive and skills to move this site in that direction.

If you or your organization would like to be on the ground floor of shaping this Wiki please contact me at: to request a username and password. Right now I am looking for upper level administrators who want to become partners in this LLC. They should be committed to the Democratic process, have at least moderate web skills or good writing skills. I prefer members use their real name as a member but aliases are allowed. Please read our Administrator's Roles for more details. 

If you are curious who is behind this Wiki and how it stays online we have a page Window dedicated transparency, an important aspect of democracy.