Non-Profit Organizations

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Revision as of 10:19, 25 October 2019 by Kirk (talk | contribs)
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Create a Non Profit Page

Use the structure (zip code Not for Profit category Legal Title Date] with no punctuation. Example: [94108 Help Wanted Business Manager 10/25/2019]. Use a unique title so your ad doesn't get overwritten. Not using this structure reduces search functionality. Users who do not use this form may be blocked.

Categories are:

Food Related

Housing Related

Legal Related

Repair Related

Entertainment Related

Technology Related

Transportation Related

Communications Related

Clothing Related

Household items Related

Art Related

Forms to Contain the following info for each category

1. Legal Title of Not for Profit 2. Town or City with Address 3. Description of Mission 4. room for 3 photos of Business 5. Contact Information 6. Link to Website 7. Link to reviews of Business