Board of Directors

From WikiDemocracy
Revision as of 14:05, 1 January 2021 by Kirk (talk | contribs)
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WikiDemocracy is Searching for People to fill out our Board of Directors

I'm a believer that the best source of information is word of mouth, or that which is human sourced. As powerful as the Google Search Engine is it can't actually select the best information for me. I prefer recommendations from friends and I think I am not alone in this. 
The foundation of this website is; recommended reading selected by people who have actually read at least some of the content. I've been working on this site for 3 1/2 years now. I think it is time to allow others with similar goals to become part of it. Kirk 10:10, 26 December 2020 (MST)
All people chosen for our Board of Directors become part owners of this endeavor.

What is WikiDemocracy?

  1. WikiDemocracy is designed to link to some of the best reading on the web both information and literary.
  2. WikiDemocracy is a framework designed to facilitate the exchange of "curated" and durable information, in contrast to the flood ephemeral information on social media.
  3. WikiDemocracy is a framework designed to facilitate a mutually supportive online community which in turn supports smaller real-life communities.
  4. WikiDemocracy is designed to be an all-encompassing online facilitator, allowing free advertising for housing, services, businesses, classified, non-profits, and even a free loan/fund me tool.
  5. WikiDemocracy is designed as a functional online democracy. Meaning a majority of members select the Bureaucrats who in turn select the best administrators for the site.
  6. WikiDemocracy is designed to be a source for accurate election information which screens paid advertising for inaccurate statements.

If you are interested in learning more or becoming a member of WikiDemocracy's Board of Directors First Create Log in

Then- Email user: Kirk

Or email:

The Duties of a Board of Directors member include one or more of the following:

  1. To post curated reading material, both links and original content.
  2. To search out and approve of new administrators.
  3. To remove an administrator's privileges.
  4. To navigate legal issues such as taxes and internet laws.
  5. To seek out sufficient revenue and apportion budget.
  6. To seek out sponsors for in need of members and administrators.
  7. To mediate disagreements between users and administrators.
  8. To write and approve of working bylaws.
  9. To update foundational principles.
  10. To make the final decisions regarding the overall of direction of this site.

Wiki designation: Bureaucrats

General Qualifications- Possesses; honesty, integrity, good work habits, likes people, good communication skills, a moderate degree of computer skills, access to the internet through a phone or a computer, and possesses a strong interest in; community, social justice, egalitarianism, and the democratic process.

Remuneration: Directors should expect none, however this site offers sponsorships which can help pay for the effort of those who are most in need. Also this site offers credit for time spent working on this site in the form of a percentage of ownership (it should be noted that this may have zero value if the site fails to build traffic).