Groups-Online Deep Democracy Workshop
To join this group, first create an account then contact: Talk:Kirk
What is Deep Democracy? I use that term here to describe the potential of this website. Democracy is usually thought of as just an electoral process where a majority of people either select others to make decisions for them or make a collective decision on a particular issue.
Here, we consider democracy to be the things we do everyday; go to work, talk with friends, go shopping, making plans with our family etc etc. The internet now provides the possibility of many more people working collectively on a much larger scale, so those small things we do everyday can be done working together on a much larger scale. Sure, we have all the online industries now that do a lot of this; exchange of goods, information and stories, but very little of it is based on democratic interactions. Our goal here is to replicate many of those same online interactions only a democratic playing field.
So Deep Democracy is the process of reclaiming those everyday actions which large corporate interests have taken from us and bringing them back to just people talking, exchanging goods, telling their stories, asking questions, giving advice, etc. without the large corporate arbitrators coming between us.
This group uses consensus as a basis of its decision making process here are some links to help understand that process:
Remember all communications on this Wiki is visible to the public (though not editable).
Online Deep Democracy Workshop-Reason to Be
Online Deep Democracy Workshop-Forum
Online Deep Democracy Workshop-News