Administrator's Roles

From WikiDemocracy
Revision as of 08:28, 27 November 2019 by Kirk (talk | contribs)
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Monthly Account Sheet for Administrators

Administrators are responsible for tracking times and expenses on the worksheet and submitting it to each month.

<iframe width="600" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>

At-large Administrators

Chosen by skill set.

  1. Maintain US Candidates
  2. Maintain US News
  3. Work to Defining Issues
  4. Work to Establishing Foundational Research on Issues
  5. Overseeing Local and State Administrators
  6. Overseeing and Maintaining Online Business Pages

Remuneration based on a percentage of overall income (Commission)- Maybe 25% of the overall income divided among the at-large administrators according to their hours and skill set. An estimated 15% would be set aside for advertising and overhead.

At Large Information Curators

Chosen by skill set

  1. Maintain consistent Information page standards (followed by state and local level admin)
  2. Maintain consistent focus on "durable", "pertinent" and "unemotional" information.
  3. Maintain consistent focus on Style of information page display.
  4. Read and select links to pertinent research, news, and blog sites.
  5. Search for independent authors willing to have writing published on Wiki site.
  6. Maintain links on parallel cloud sites for embedded videos, spreadsheets, PDF etc.

State Level Administrators

Chosen by skill set and State of residence.

  1. State Candidates
  2. Maintain State News/links Pages
  3. Maintain State Issues Pages
  4. Maintain State Elections Pages
  5. Maintain State Business/Services Pages

Remuneration based on a percentage of income from allocated zip codes (Commission)- Maybe 60% of sales from allocated States.

Local Administrators

Chosen by skill set and zip code

  1. Maintain Classified Pages
  2. Maintain Regional News/links Pages
  3. Maintain Regional Issues Pages
  4. Maintain Local Elections Pages
  5. Maintain Business/Services Pages

Remuneration based on a percentage of income from allocated zip codes (Commission)- Maybe 60% of sales from allocated zip codes.

Page Creation Assignments

User Created Pages

  1. Business/Services (Paid income producing)
  2. Classified (Mostly Paid income producing)
  3. Candidates (Paid income producing)

State Administrators Created Pages

  1. Statewide Business pages (Paid income producing)
  2. Statewide Candidates pages (Paid income producing)
  3. Statewide News/links Pages

Regional Administrator Created Pages

  1. Local Housing/Food Pages
  2. Local Select Non-Profits Pages
  3. Local Select Groups and Clubs Pages
  4. Local Election Pages
  5. Local

Page Naming Forms

Local Page Forms- 3 items (2 variable by local admin, 1 limited variable), Comma after town allows search to find these items before classified items.
1.(Your Town, Two Digit State Abbreviation)-Local Help/Services
2.(Your Town, Two Digit State Abbreviation)-Issues/News
3.(Your Town, Two Digit State Abbreviation)-Elections/Candidates

Classified Page Forms- 4 variable items (3 variable by user, 1 limited variable), 1 space between, no punctuation
1.(Your Town Zip Code Category Title)

State Page Forms- 2 items (State (Two Digits) and 1 limited variable)
4.State-Election Pages

Legal Standing of Administrators

Regional Administrators Payment via Paypal on commission only basis. -Therefore "Independent Contractors" Tax Forms- 1099 Misc

State Administrators Payment via Paypal on commission only basis. - Therefore "Independent Contractors" Tax Forms- 1099 Misc

At-Large Administrators Payment via Paypal based on specified percentages of overall Wiki income. Therefore "LLC active members" Tax Forms K-1 (partnership return of income.)