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- 143 bytes (21 words) - 16:04, 14 February 2020
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- d. Anyone viewed as lacking an empathetic sense of justice is considered an a ...1,001 bytes (156 words) - 09:52, 8 January 2017
- ...rient powders in BMC, including iron, zinc, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin D. They also coated microparticles containing up to four different vitamins a ...2 KB (289 words) - 18:00, 24 February 2021
- D ...required measures to reduce hazards ((listed at G.C. Section 65913.4(a)(6)(D) – (H)):4 ...19 KB (2,923 words) - 10:43, 16 March 2023
- ...25 in Madrid, Dr. Peter Carter, an IPCC expert reviewer, in an interview d/d December 10, 2019, referenced an ongoing eruption of methane above Barrow, ...6 KB (977 words) - 12:59, 8 July 2021
- ...job. The best nails for framing are 3 1/2 inches long. These are called 16-d, or "16-penny," nails. ...4 KB (528 words) - 11:19, 13 April 2023
- [ Last Waltz /Ducks] and he'd go down and he saw this house, right? And it's just this Cape Cod, just ...48 KB (9,155 words) - 10:04, 9 December 2024
- ⦁ Trump, B. D., Florin, M.-V., & Linkov, I. (Eds.). (2018). IRGC resource guide on resili ⦁ Tonn, B., Stiefel, D. 2014. Human extinction risk and uncertainty: Assessing conditions for acti ...9 KB (1,325 words) - 14:27, 30 July 2020
- d. Housing that has been occupied by a tenant in the last three years. ...oject has received a no-rise certification in accordance with Section 60.3(d)(3) of Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations. ...40 KB (5,928 words) - 10:40, 16 March 2023
- ...Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to Yale University economist William D. Nordhaus, for his pioneering work on them. ...6 KB (914 words) - 14:38, 30 July 2020
- <lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/dist/" regex="solr-ltr-\d.*\.jar" /> nutch/bin/crawl -i -D solr.server.url=http://localhost:8983/solr/nutch -s nutch/urls/ Crawl 2 ...17 KB (2,721 words) - 12:43, 20 January 2020
- ...require modification of the existing structure to add fire-rated walls; I'd contact the building division for confirmation of that (https://www.cityofs ...9 KB (1,429 words) - 08:28, 11 May 2023
- But before that, I'd make sure I belonged to the party that controlled the ...18 KB (2,762 words) - 12:31, 22 July 2023
- Here, we report on a transect (Fig. 1) of terrestrial D-C boundary sections from East Greenland that all include the extinction lev In the latest ruling, a federal district court in Washington, D.C., in March ordered the bureau to redo its environmental analysis for a sl ...54 KB (7,988 words) - 10:46, 24 November 2024
- ...ground soon after the battle [reported Asbury Bird, a soldier with Company D of the First Colorado Cavalry]. I should judge there were between 400 and 5 ...ns of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Before that, he’d helped pick or confirm the court’s three other conservative justices — Clar ...84 KB (12,316 words) - 09:55, 5 February 2025