Share-of-Ownership Vote

From WikiDemocracy
Revision as of 10:50, 5 December 2019 by Kirk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A Share-of-Ownership vote is an election where each vote is weighted in accordance to each voter's share of ownership in the LLC Wikidemocracy. A monthly total of each members...")
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A Share-of-Ownership vote is an election where each vote is weighted in accordance to each voter's share of ownership in the LLC Wikidemocracy. A monthly total of each members percentage of ownership based on that member's contribution of time or cash investment must be maintained by the WikiAccountant and posted as public record. Using those numbers an election is held where decision is made or person selected by tallying the percentages. Example 1: Yes or No 51% Yes 49% No. The decision is "Yes". A Ranked-Choice election should be used when more than 2 choices are involved.