Administrator's Roles

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  • Become an Administrator and earn credit toward ownership of this LLC
  • Who knows it might be worth something someday.
  • At-Large Administrators/Curators earn credit toward ownership which counts toward a share of income.
  • All Information Curators earn credit toward ownership which counts toward a shore of income.
  • Sales/Administrators earn a 50% commission on whatever sales revenue they can generate.
  • Anybody can become an administrator or an information curator, first create an account then go to Talk:Kirk or if you prefer mail: to find out more.
  • Any member can become both an At-Large Administrator/Curator and a Sales/Administrator.

Monthly Account Sheet for all administrators or curators.

Once you become an "administrator/curator" your hours spent toward research are tracked and credited toward your share of ownership. However administrators are responsible for tracking times and expenses on the worksheet and submitting it to each month.

Monthly Account Sheet

Monthly Account Sheet for Sales/Administrators

Once you become an "sales/administrator" your sales are tracked and a commission paid on whatever sales you have generated. However administrators are responsible for tracking their sales on the worksheet below and submitting it to each month.

Types of Administrators are listed Below


A panel of members (even number with 12 maximum) elected by a combination of share-of-ownership vote and a ranked-choice vote members. Bureaucrats nominate themselves for the annual election. Requirements are: being a member in good standing for at least 2 years, an administrator or information curator for at least 1 year, not currently blocked, at least 18 years of age, having no criminals offenses that would restrict them from serving their full capacity as a bureaucrat (all felony convictions must be stated as a matter of public record before any election). Half of the panel members are selected by a share-of-ownership vote and the remaining half are chosen with a ranked-choice vote.

(Until this site is large enough (aprox 1000 users or 250 members) to require Bureaucrats At-large Administrators/Information Curators serve as Bureaucrats)

  1. Reviews contested actions of all administrators
  2. Removes administrators who do not adhere to "The Rules for Administrators"
  3. Removes administrators who do not adhere to "The Foundational Principles"
  4. Suggests revisions to "The Rules for Administration" and puts them to an "ownership share vote"
  5. Suggests revisions to "the Foundational Principles" and puts them to an "ownership share vote"
  6. Selects the "Elections Administrator"

There is no remuneration for Bureaucrats

At-Large Administrators/Information Curators

Selected by skill set by the "Bureaucrats"

  1. Maintain consistent Information page standards (followed by state and local level admin)
  2. Maintain consistent focus on "durable", "pertinent" and "unemotional" information.
  3. Maintain consistent focus on style of information page display.
  4. Read and select links to pertinent research, news, and blog sites.
  5. Search for independent authors willing to have writing published on Wiki site.
  6. Maintain links on parallel cloud sites for embedded videos, spreadsheets, PDF etc.
  7. Oversee and block when necessary users and other administrators.

Remuneration based on a formula which takes into account: percentage of overall income/share of ownership/hours worked (Partner's Share).

At-Large Information Curators

Open to anybody willing to follow our information formatting template.

  1. Browse the web for personal topics of research and create links to that research on this Wiki
  2. Read and select links to pertinent research, news, and blog sites.
  3. Search for independent authors willing to have writing published on Wiki site.
  4. Maintain links on parallel cloud sites for embedded videos, spreadsheets, PDF etc.

Remuneration based on a formula which takes into account: percentage of overall income/share of ownership/hours worked (Partner's Share).

National Information Curators

Chosen by skill set and country of residence by the Bureaucrats

  1. Maintain National level general information pages.
  2. Maintain National level non-profit pages
  3. Maintain National level government program pages.

National Sales/Administrators

Chosen by skill set by the Bureaucrats preference given to existing National information curators.

  1. Maintain and solicit US Candidates Ads
  2. Maintain and solicit US Companys' Ads

Remuneration based on 50% of ad revenue from salesperson's active clients (Commission Sales)

State Level Information Curators

Chosen by skill set and State of residence by the Bureaucrats

  1. Maintain State level general information pages.
  2. Maintain State level non-profit pages
  3. Maintain State level government program pages.

State Level Sales/Administrators

Chosen by skill set and State of residence by the Bureaucrats preference given to existing state level information curators.

  1. Maintain and solicit State Candidates Ads
  2. Maintain State Business/Services Ads

Remuneration based on 50% of ad revenue from salesperson's active clients (Commission Sales)

Local Information Curators

Chosen by skill set and Zip Code by the Bureaucrats

  1. Maintain local general information pages.
  2. Maintain local level non-profit pages
  3. Maintain local level government program pages.

Local Sales/Administrators

Chosen by skill set and zip code by the Bureacrats preference given to existing local information curators.

  1. Maintain and solicit local candidate ads.
  2. Maintain and solicit local business ads.

Remuneration based on 50% of ad revenue from salesperson's active clients (Commission Sales)

Page Creation Assignments

User Created Pages

  1. Business/Services form generated (Free)
  2. Classified form generated (Free)
  3. Candidates form generated (Free)

US Sales/Admin Created Ads

  1. US Business Ads (Paid income producing)
  2. US Candidates Ads (Paid income producing)
  3. US News/links Pages
  4. US Election Pages

State Sales/Admin Created Pages

  1. Statewide Business Ads (Paid income producing)
  2. Statewide Candidates Ads (Paid income producing)
  3. Statewide News/links Pages
  4. Statewide Election Pages

Regional Sales/Admin Created Pages

  1. Local Business Ads (Paid income producing)
  2. Local Candidates Ads (Paid income producing)
  3. Local Select Housing/Food Pages
  4. Local Select Non-Profits Pages
  5. Local Select Groups and Clubs Pages
  6. Local Election Pages

At-Large Admin/Curators

  1. All Other Pages.

Legal Standing of Administrators

Regional Administrators Payment via Paypal on commission only basis. -Therefore "Independent Contractors" Tax Forms- 1099 Misc

State Administrators Payment via Paypal on commission only basis. - Therefore "Independent Contractors" Tax Forms- 1099 Misc

US Administrators Payment via Paypal on commission only basis. - Therefore "Independent Contractors" Tax Forms- 1099 Misc

At Large Administrators/Information Curators Payment via Paypal based on specified percentages of overall Wiki income. Therefore "LLC active members" Tax Forms K-1 (partnership return of income.)

The Rules for Administrators

'At-Large Administrators/Information Curators may censor, edit, remove any material posted by Commission-Based Administrators or any non-administrator for any of the following reasons: posting illegal material, posting copyright infringing material, posting decency violations, conflict of interest (issue-links promoting paid ads), removing or editing other's posts without written permission. Commission-Based Administrators will be blocked if they violate this Wiki's rules on a repeated basis.

At Large Administrators/Information Curators and Commission-Based Administrators may censor, edit, remove any material posted in the Free Ad section for any of the following reasons: posting illegal material, posting copyright infringing material, posting decency violations, conflict of interest (issue-links promoting paid ads), removing or editing other's posts without written permission. On the first infraction: 1. user will be notified of infraction and warned. On the second infraction 2. user will be warned of blocking if another infraction occurs. On the third infraction 3. user will be blocked. User's who post numerous violations in a short period of time will be blocked immediately and their posts will be removed.

Overruling At Large Administrators/Curators

Any member can request a vote to challenge any decision made by an At Large Administrator/Curator by posting on the "Bureaucrats Talk" page. The "Bureaucrats" must then request that the Elections' Administrator create a vote on the issue. This vote must be weighted by "share of ownership". If votes representing more than 50% share of ownership overrule the administrator's decision then the decision is reversed.