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About Homelessness

While the state of not having a permanent home is generally not considered desirable, there are those who choose this state though it is a very small minority.
In most peoples minds the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

1. It requires fewer resources then living in a house with a car, appliances, computers, TV etc.
2. Doesn't necessarily require a job to survive.
3. More free time.

1. Creates a high level of daily stress not being sure where you next meal or your next place to sleep is going to be.
2. Makes hygiene very difficult.
3. Makes long term relationships with family, friends, and lovers very difficult.
4. Creates a life threatening state when the weather is either too wet, too cold or too hot.
5. Creates a state of resentment due to competition for space among the housed community.
6. Creates a dangerous mix of; addicts, alcoholics, criminals, mentally ill, the unlucky, victims of natural disasters and poor planners.
