Coastal adaptations

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Coasts Should Plan for 6.5 Feet Sea Level Rise by 2100 as Precaution, Experts Say


If planners are working with a mid-range projection of sea level rise, their efforts might protect coastal regions from the most likely scenarios depicted in climate models, but that still leaves a lot of risk, say the authors of the study published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Ice sheet contributions to future sea-level rise from structured expert judgment


The 95th percentile ice sheet contribution by 2200, for the +5 °C scenario, is 7.5 m (about 23 ft) as a result of instabilities coming into play in both West and East Antarctica. Introducing process correlations and tail dependences increases estimates by roughly 15%.
Louisiana's New Climate Plan Prepares for Resilience and Retreat as Sea Level Rises


People are already migrating inland as the ocean rises with global warming and the delta sinks. The state's new plan looks at ways to ease the transition.
Biorock® is a patented method based on Mineral Accretion Technology invented by Professor Wolf Hilbertz and Dr Tom Goreau.


The Biorock® method is a revolutionary solution applicable to an increasing range of problematic environmental conditions coastal nations are presently facing on a global scale. Compared to traditional alternatives the Biorock method is the most cost-effective and environmentally beneficial solution available for protecting coastal resources from the effects of global warming and global sea level rise.