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There Isn’t a Coronavirus ‘Second Wave’

WSJ By Mike Pence June 16 2020

WSJ By Mike Pence June 16 2020

In recent days, the media has taken to sounding the alarm bells over a “second wave” of coronavirus infections. Such panic is overblown. Thanks to the leadership of President Trump and the courage and compassion of the American people, our public health system is far stronger than it was four months ago, and we are winning the fight against the invisible enemy.

While talk of an increase in cases dominates cable news coverage, more than half of states are actually seeing cases decline or remain stable. Every state, territory and major metropolitan area, with the exception of three, have positive test rates under 10%. And in the six states that have reached more than 1,000 new cases a day, increased testing has allowed public health officials to identify most of the outbreaks in particular settings—prisons, nursing homes and meatpacking facilities—and contain them.

If He Loses, Trump Will Concede Gracefully

WSJ by Mick Mulvaney Nov 7th 2020

WSJ by Mick Mulvaney Nov 7th 2020

I’ve been asked the same question at least a hundred times in the past week: If the president loses, will he participate in a peaceful transition of power?

The question probably says as much about those asking it as the answer does about President Trump. Most of the inquirers are the same people who still don’t understand why nearly half the country voted for Mr. Trump. They still wonder if he somehow cheated his way into office. They still think he should’ve been impeached, believe the polls, and consider the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN reliable sources.

But, I am happy to answer: Yes.

I don’t pretend, simply because I served as White House chief of staff for 15 months, to know the president more deeply than anyone. But I’m familiar with his manner and style and know a little about how he thinks.