Launch Strategy

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Three Part Strategy

The ultimate goal of this Wiki are really to become as ubiquitous as Wikipedia. It could work on a smaller level but not very well. The challenge with launching such an ambitious vision is that the steps to get there are very large, especially without the help of a large donor/investor. I would like to demonstrate that such a large donor/investor is not needed by using a combination of individual (ownership and commissions) incentive and community (knowing you are part of a group working toward a more democratic process) incentive. I've come up with this three part strategy.

National Focus

The first step would be to find skilled administrators who are willing to put some of their time into a project that's odds of success are rather low. It wouldn't require money, just time. If the project doesn't work they have gained new experience and new skills and maybe made important connections as well. If the project does work out they will be part owner of a growing business. Granted the pay would not be amazing even if the website really exploded. However the job security would be solid, and their share of ownership would serve as a retirement fund or other financial cushion.

State Level Focus

Regional Focus