Formulation of Hypotheses

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The following is a list of hypotheses formulated in my own words. I am not trying to support or challenge any particular hypothesis here. I simply want to state them in a clear concise fashion because I don’t often see them stated as such.

Determinism- "When observing a sequence of events there can exist only one path that it follows."

Other than Determinism (large degree of randomness and free will) - "When observing a sequence of events there exists many possible paths followed."

Probabilistic Determinism (limited randomness and free will)- "When observing a sequence of events there exists a limited number of paths that can be followed."


1. Human described reality can not equate with Profound Reality.

2. Profound Reality manifests itself as dualistic in nature.

3. One manifestation of that dualistic nature is contained energy and the other is dispersed energy.

4. If one’s thoughts and actions are aligned with Profound Reality they will experience less turmoil.