Guidelines-For Adding Content

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Administrators and Users Please Read the Following Before Adding Content to this Wiki

Different Types of Content and Who Adds and Maintains It

All content needs to be divided into 3 basic categories: Foundational, Effects and Solutions.

1. Foundational Content is: permanent information, data, and insights which build up to help shape a more detailed World view.

2. Effects Content is: ephemeral items such as advertising, news stories, personal histories, current events or similar items.

3. Solution Content is: opinions, ideas, hopes, dreams, predictions or similar items. No Solutions (opinions etc) can be added unless it is part of existing Foundational and Effects Content.

Administrator's Duties

1. Adding and maintaining Foundational, Effects and Solution Content. 2. Only Administrator's can remove content other than their own.

Users can add to their own Effects Content

User added or maintained content is as follows:

1. Advertising/Help

2. Announcements

3. Howtos

4. Blogs

5. Discussions

6. Elections/Candidates

Foundational, Events, Solutions

1. Most content in this Wiki is in the form of links to other sources on the internet. Content should be based on data, events or opinions which have been clearly established by multiple reputable sources. Data should link to peer reviewed research papers or well-documented investigative journalism. Events should only be posted if they are reported by multiple independent sources though only one source needs to be used. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof", so claims of events which test our belief need a lot of background before being posted. "Solutions" (AKA opinions) should be linked to, only when they are backed up by "Foundational" background and surrounding "Events".