Help:Style Templates

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File Branching Systems

Foundational= History
Effects= News
Solutions= Opinions

Format Style for Content of News and Solution Pages

Note: large portions of articles should not be copied and pasted as that might be a violation of copyright, only that which can be considered "fair use", such as two or three paragraphs.

1st Choice: edit source

=====Headline in Here=====

[URL of target page either external or internal (space) Name of Site Name of Author Date]

 A paragraph or two which gets to the heart of the article. It should have one space indent at the beginning. Wiki will create a paragraph box look as you see in the sample below. It can have no other formatting for this to work properly.


What’s Driving Antarctica's Meltdown?

Inside Climate News Bob Berwyn 11/12/2019

Now, new research is highlighting another threat: Since 2000, moist and warm tendrils of air known as atmospheric rivers have been swirling toward the coast more frequently, bringing more rain and surface melting. Antarctica has been losing about 250 billion tons of ice annually in recent years, and research shows the rate has increased sixfold since 1979. At this pace, researchers have suggested, West Antarctica's ice shelves may reach climate tipping points and crumble, sending sea level rise surging well beyond current projections.

2nd Choice: using "embed"

Note: embed should be used sparingly as it can slow down the entire site if an embedded image is too large.

Headline in Here

A url is placed right between "<embed>" and "</embed>" with a space before and after. '

A Site Title, Autohor, Date is next.

Simply copy this: <embed> </embed> Click on "edit" in the menu at the top of this page then paste it where you wanted it and then paste your URL in the space between. Then include the source and date after the </embed>

A paragraph or two which gets to the heart of the article. It should have one space indent at the beginning. Wiki will create a paragraph box look as you see in the sample below. It can have no other formatting for this to work properly.

Note: this first method will return an error (for The New Yorker) or not display properly for some sites. In which case this 2nd method should be used.

Sharing Links

Link from custom search engine

Use the url of the custom search engine, followed by "&q=" and then followed by the desired search term/s.


Image Gallery For News and Solutions Pages

Copy and paste Wiki Code below

==''Curated News Links''==

<gallery mode="packed-hover"> ......''Images with links in here''.....


Display Ad Options

  1. Option #1 Righthand thumbnail. This is the preferred option for most low cost ads. It adds some eye candy to the page yet doesn't interfere with the main reading content. Sample: [[File: Brutsche Niacmentes.jpg|thumb|120px|link=|]]
    Estimated starting price while website has low traffic; $10 per month.
  2. Option #2 Embedded ad. This would fit across the entire page and would be hard to avoid. This would be our more expense ad option which could be used at times on a limited number of pages.
  3. Option #3 A page designated specifically to ads.

Classfied Ad Styles

Page Naming Forms

Local Page Forms- 3 items (2 variable by local admin, 1 limited variable), Comma after town allows search to find these items before classified items.
1.(Your Town, Two Digit State Abbreviation)-Local Help/Services
2.(Your Town, Two Digit State Abbreviation)-Issues/News
3.(Your Town, Two Digit State Abbreviation)-Elections/Candidates

Classified Page Forms- 4 variable items (3 variable by user, 1 limited variable), 1 space between, no punctuation
1.(Your Town Zip Code Category Title Date)

State Page Forms- 2 items (State (Two Digits) and 1 limited variable)
4.State-Election Pages

Main Page Style

1. Links to Important Pages.
2. Online Poll
3. Link to customized search engines.
4. Image Gallery in Packed Hover Mode with links to durable and relevant news.

Survey Formats

Use Schulze voting is a ranked choice system with candidates rated 1,2,3,4,5 etc.

Use Range voting with Histogram range. Allows voters to give qualitative number to their choices.

Prepared Responses

To New User: "Thanks for becoming a user on our WikiDemocracy website. You may want to create an ad, fill out member information or create a new page please feel free to do so as long as you follow our guidelines: The Rules for Ads/Announcements We recommend starting off by creating and ad here: Local Help/Services

We are currently looking for contributors willing to build links to various news headlines on specific topics around the web. Users who contribute their time are given credit towards ownership of the LLC. Which at a later date (probably much later) may turn into some kind of income.

If interested please reply and I'll send more detailed instructions."

Using SEO for Facebook, Twitter etc.

Put this on a page using one of the listed options:

|title=Your page title
|description=Your meta description
|image_alt=Wiki Logo