Mind Map Links-Bureaucrats

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A panel of members (even number with 12 maximum) elected by a combination of share-of-ownership vote and a ranked-choice vote members. Bureaucrats nominate themselves for the annual election. Requirements are: being a member in good standing for at least 2 years, an administrator or information curator for at least 1 year, not currently blocked, at least 18 years of age, having no criminals offenses that would restrict them from serving their full capacity as a bureaucrat (all felony convictions must be stated as a matter of public record before any election). Half of the panel members are selected by a share-of-ownership vote and the remaining half are chosen with a ranked-choice vote.

(Until this site is large enough (aprox 1000 users or 250 members) to require Bureaucrats At-large Administrators/Information Curators serve as Bureaucrats)

  1. Reviews contested actions of all administrators
  2. Removes administrators who do not adhere to "The Rules for Administrators"
  3. Removes administrators who do not adhere to "The Foundational Principles"
  4. Suggests revisions to "The Rules for Administration" and puts them to an "ownership share vote"
  5. Suggests revisions to "the Foundational Principles" and puts them to an "ownership share vote"
  6. Selects the "Elections Administrator"

There is no remuneration for Bureaucrats