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|Ghost Buses and Kidney Punches: America is Finally Great Again

by Showercap 11/17/23 Daily Kos
I dunno, maybe it’s these plans I keep reading about, to construct Stephen Miller’s Barbie Dream Concentration Camps,or amass an army of 54,000 goose-stepping Constitution-shredders to staff the federal government, but it definitely feels a little fashy in here. Maybe I should put on a sweater.
With the apparatchiks tending to the burdensome details of dismantling democracy, Off-Brand Orbán’s days are free for recreational activities, such as golf, and stochastic terrorism. Indeed, Wee Don asked MAGA Claus for a long list of assassinations, excuse me, “citizen’s arrests” this year, and he’s adding to it all the time.

The Reagans False Narrative

The Reagans by Charles Bramesco Nov 2020 The Guadian'They created a false image': how the Reagans fooled America